Windows Server Installation (vServer)
Während der Installation wird kein Laufwerk gefunden.
- einhängen des ISOs (virtio-win.iso) als CD Laufwerk (z.B. über den Support)
Hier eine Quelle des ISOs (latest stable): - auswählen des Treibers z.B. X:\vioscsi\2k19\amd64
nach der Installation:
Wizard Installation / Drivers and Services
You can use an easy wizard to install all, or a selection, of VirtIO drivers.
The easiest way to install missing drivers and services is to use the provided MSI installer. It is available on the driver CD (f.e. mount it via Support). Run the "virtio-win-gt-x64.msi" file located directly on the CD.
- Open the Windows Explorer and navigate to the CD-ROM drive.
- Simply execute (double-click on) virtio-win-gt-x64.msi
- Follow its instructions.
- (Optional) use the virtio-win-guest-tools wizard to install the QEMU Guest Agent
- Reboot Windows
Guest Agent
To remedy this install the "Qemu Guest Agent". The installer is located on the driver CD under guest-agent\qemu-ga-x86_64.msi.
Check for missing drivers
Go to the Device Manager to see if there are any drivers missing. For any unknown device:
- Right click an select "Update driver".
- Select "Browse my computer for driver software".
- Select the Driver CD. Make sure that "Include subfolders" is checked.
- Once a driver has been found you might be prompted with a security warning asking if you "Would like to install this device software". Click "Install".